4.16.21 / lost land connection
When life is loud and distracted and fast-moving
reflection is in the shadowed background
behind a veil unenergized.
We can miss many quiet signals.
Fortunately some left breadcrumb trails of art for us to align.
I believe humans’ agrarian core lost connection to cyclical Nature when industrialization + global trade captivated our motivations.
We dulled the consequences of creating suffering and decimated life into a cost calculation.
The outcome is a population separated from an ancient truth: everyone needs to know the people growing their households’ food.
We can trade in networks and find what a consultant would call synergies. That can only come after we each, individually, craft a way to return to true, honest relationship with Nature. If we do this we have a shot at succeeding - in changing course.
the compost pile in the photo above is an initial step toward food security, and an energetic investment in the well-being of ourselves, our neighborhood and everyone we are able to help eat.